Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Inmate Early Release Train Wreck is all Quinn!

This latest screw up is Quinn's responsibility!!! Part of being a good leader is gathering others with honor, integrity and some common sense around you to help get the job done so Quinn can't honestly let DOC leadership take all the blame. This is just another example of the continued extreme ineptness and corruption within Illinois state govt. Quinn retains most Blagojevich hires with a collective payroll of millions while trying to layoff regular state workers and releasing criminals to save money. In turn, many of the criminals then prey on the citizens Quinn says he supports.

Citizens please take the time to find out who the honorable candidates are. Seek those who are willing to fight for meaningful reform and justice in Illinois and don't just rely on name recognition and slick TV ads.

We need new leadership and new direction to break the culture of corruption!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What we, the citizens will lose if we don't act to elect honorable servant leaders

What comes to your mind when you read the list below? Is it Rod Blagojevich on TV? Is it the loss of your job? Ponder on this list for a while and then post something.

- more dignity
- self respect
- our hard earned money
- the ability to raise our kids as we see fit
- our ability to be successful in business
- family farms
- the freedoms and potential of self employment
- small businesses
- opportunities
- quality of life
- comforts
- speech
- careers
- our kids
- pride in what we do, who we are, where we live
- sense of accomplishment
- individualism
- ability to enjoy even the small luxuries we have now
- desire to live in Illinois
- our history
- our kids ability to attend college
- our home, vehicles, assets

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Illinois Corrupt History

Do you have facts about Illinois corrupt history?! Add them here. I would love to compile an extensive list of information so that people can see just how far and wide the culture of corruption has infected this state. Post them here with a source. Thanks!

Monday, January 19, 2009

As more and more information comes out it is clear that the Blagojevich administration was operating with questionable integrity long before the Governor was re-elected. How can those political leaders who supported his re-election have missed it!?!? Is a party holding power more important than integrity, honor and truth??

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


What do you think of the governor's post impeachment press conference last Friday in which he tried to portray himself as a persecuted public servant?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Give the people of Illinois the opportunity to choose for themselves!!

After all the hubbub with Burris today in Washington the Governor issued a statement in which he called Burris "a good and decent man with a long history of public service" and declaring that "any allegations against me should not be held against him and especially not the people of Illinois."

This is not about Burris though I think he should have had the good judgment to tell the Governor to buzz off when asked about taking the Senate seat! It’s about the arrogance of Rod Blagojevich. If the governor cared about the people of Illinois he would have never made the appointment in light of the situation.

Give the people of Illinois the opportunity to choose for themselves!!

Jesse White, please do NOT sign the Burris appointment letter!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Every Citizen must take action to Reclaim Illinois from the clutches of corruption!

Hi, my name is Patrick J. Beaird. As a state employee and citizen of Illinois I'm sick and tired of feeling helpless as the state of Illinois has been, year after year manipulated for personal gain by the self-serving criminals we call our elected officials. First there was Governor Ryan whom I once supported and now by Governor Blagojevich who continues to hold office despite much shameful disgrace. Upon the unfolding of the Ryan mess years ago I was turned off on politics with a feeling of betrayal by someone I once thought of as an honorable public servant. Unfortunately with the election and service of Governor Blagojevich it’s clear to see that corruption remains alive and well in Illinois Government, somewhat like a cancer which has been poorly treated and continues to spread in the body. Well, enough is enough!! We can’t expect those who have in many cases themselves been tainted to clean up this mess. Every person, regardless of where they are and what they do in Illinois must act. My New Year's resolution for 2009 is to do all I can to return Honor, Integrity, Respect and Authentic Public Service to State Government! Join me and take action!! Do all you can to champion truth wherever you are. Call your state reps and demand reform, ask for the opportunity to vote for someone to replace President Elect Obama in the Senate and make it clear that you don't want the house cleaning of corrupt politicians to stop with Governor Blagojevich. Lastly, put your elected officials on notice for their own actions or the lack there of which have brought this state to the low point in which it currently sits. Take, action, make calls, demand quality representation! I welcome your comments and any opportunities to discuss and take further action.